What does awakening mean?

A human head with a galaxy inside it and the text - Awareness - that which sees everything but cannot be seen

Quick Reads From Awakening Wholeness
A book on young leadership with compassion for Myself, Others and The Earth.

Awakening Wholeness” is a book focused on young leadership driven by compassion for oneself, others, and the Earth. This book encourages youth leadership by emphasizing mindfulness, mental wellness, and holistic living. It promotes young leaders making a positive impact through emotional well-being and mindful living.

What does awakening mean?

Awakening is simply to recognize what is true, what is lasting, and what is real compared to an illusion.

Let’s look at an example.

If a piece of rope on the ground looks like a snake, and I approach it carefully and look at it consciously, I will realize that it is not a snake. It is a piece of rope that looks like a snake. So awakening here is to recognize the real nature of something.

Similarly, my spectacles, which are perched on my head all the time, appear to have been lost. I look around for them all over the place, even as they continue to be on my head. Waking up would simply mean recognizing that they’re here on top of my head; they were never really lost, although they appeared to be so.

Here, I’m reminded of the story of 10 people who were crossing a river. After the crossing, when they counted the numbers on the other side, every person counted only 9. They were all distraught and started wailing because they thought that one of their friends had drowned at the crossing. A strange passer-by came along and asked them, “Why are you all crying?” They replied together, “Because we lost one of our friends!” He then requested that they all sit down in one single row so that he could count them. They all quietly sat in a row, and the stranger started counting them. He slapped each one of them and started counting the slaps. He counted 10 slaps, much to the joy of the 10 grieving people.

This story illustrates that sometimes, while we are caught up in all kinds of things externally, we miss the awareness that is witnessing everything. Waking up is simply to remember to be that awareness which sees everything.

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All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to Youth Collaborating for Compassion (YCC), a movement facilitated by the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership and the Charter for Compassion.

We’re excited to have you on this journey and the book is just the start! We will soon be hosting a workshop on Compassion for: myself, others, and our environment! Designed for Youth and Young at heart.

Please join us! To stay updated on the book, please visit our Instagram page: @the_awakening_wholeness_book .

Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary journey. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book Awakening Wholeness.


Youth Reclaiming a World of Peace, Joy, and Abundance

All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to “Youth Collaborating for Compassion” (YCC), a project run by the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership and the Charter for Compassion.

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