Peek Inside

According to Harlow Shapely, there are about 3x10 to the power of 19 argon atoms in each breath we take. In the breath you just took, more than 400,000 argon atoms were those breathed by Einstein...
If you think of the ego as being like a balloon, then it is made up of memories from our past and thoughts about our future. The PIN, or ‘Presence in Now’ bursts this balloon....
When I was a small child, I remember often looking up at the starspangled sky and asking myself the question, “Where exactly is the edge of the universe?” As I struggled with that question, another would...

Let’s first zoom in. Imagine you’re a tiny point of light — a light of awareness — resting on the skin of your body. You look around as a very, very small, infinitesimally tiny point of...

Awakening is simply to recognize what is true, what is lasting, and what is real compared to an illusion.Let’s look at an example. If a piece of rope on the ground looks like a snake, and...
This book is dedicated to the youth of the world. All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to “Youth Collaborating for Compassion” (YCC), a project run by the Foundation for Peace and...

Youth Reclaiming a World of Peace, Joy, and Abundance

All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to “Youth Collaborating for Compassion” (YCC), a project run by the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership and the Charter for Compassion.

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