How to become aware and let go of the ego 

A group of various items in circle , the items are animals, trees, people, sun, water, trees, flowers etc

Quick Reads From Awakening Wholeness 
A book on young leadership with compassion for Myself, Others and The Earth.

Awakening Wholeness” is a book focused on young leadership driven by compassion for oneself, others, and the Earth. This book encourages youth leadership by emphasizing mindfulness, mental wellness, and holistic living. It promotes young leaders making a positive impact through emotional well-being and mindful living.


A simple thing to remember is that I am awareness. This awareness is a mystery because you can’t touch it, feel it, or see it, and you definitely can’t define it. And yet, this awareness is that which sees everything but cannot be seen. It is both your innermost essence as well as the multiplicity of all things. 

When I am present in this mystery and I begin to see everything as a manifestation or an expression of this all pervading awareness, I begin to see that everything is interconnected. Everything is related to each other, working beautifully in great harmony, joy, and perfection. 

What keeps us from seeing and being this perfection is a false notion of
who we are. We call this the “ego”. If you think of the ego as being like a balloon, then it is made up of memories from our past and thoughts about our future. 

The PIN, or ‘Presence in Now’ bursts this balloon.

When I learn the art of living totally and wholeheartedly in the present moment, I am one with the wholeness of life. There is nothing to “get”, and no magical popping of something. 

You are already whole right now! This is like a bubble of water on the surface of a lake bursting and merging back with the whole lake. This moment is the only one there, is or will ever be. 

This is where life is always dancing.

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All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to Youth Collaborating for Compassion (YCC), a movement facilitated by the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership and the Charter for Compassion.

We’re excited to have you on this journey and the book is just the start! We will soon be hosting a workshop on Compassion for: myself, others, and our environment! Designed for Youth and Young at heart.

Please join us! To stay updated on the book, please visit our Instagram page: @the_awakening_wholeness_book .

Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary journey. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book Awakening Wholeness.


Youth Reclaiming a World of Peace, Joy, and Abundance

All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to “Youth Collaborating for Compassion” (YCC), a project run by the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership and the Charter for Compassion.

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